Let’s go straight to the point, shall we? 1. Culture Modern society has come a long way from how the world was before. Culture has changed drastically, but the heart of the country lies on the long practiced culture of the people that came before us. Understanding our culture helps us appreciate the people that we are today and the practices that we l…
»One of the great things about this season is that we get to play host to numerous celebrations. Yes, party throwing season is upon us! Here I picked some personal favorite from their Jonathan Adler line, which for the spirit of giving, offers free shipping! Guide to Entertaining 101 Stay classy and elegant with your glasses. Instead, add details on the coaste…
»I'm not an expert on the opposite sex but I am familiar with our gender orientation. Often than not, Men send the wrong impression via the colors of the flowers they give. Don't worry dear men, you are excused. I know how confusing it is. Like they say, Men are from Mars Women are from Venus. Here's a guide to expressing the right emotions …
»Words do not come easy. especially when we are saying it to people, even more to the ones who are an important parts of our lives. How many times have you had that moment where you are face to face with them, words flowing in your mind but for some reason nothing comes out? I've had many of those. I've had too many experience where I get stunned, not kno…
»I am a feminist by heart so the header slash title is a little stereotypical for me. (LOL) But, I am also a realist and with that comes the admission that compared to men, women knows little about wine and things related to it. Although, it is also to say that regardless of gender- since gone were the days where etiquette 101 was taught- knowledge to proper…
»Cleaning is always a challenge. What more if it is our very own personal closets that need the cleaning? The dirt and mess- both figurative and literal- we dig up and sort. A welcomed challenge for some, for others a dread. It is especially harder when we have limited space for our stuff. What goes to where and where to put which, what to throw and what to keep... al…
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