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Transition: Motherhood

Wow! It has been ages since the last time I have written something down for ME. I have been writing things for brands or for people for more than a year that I have sadly taken this, in no intention at all, for granted. And what brought me here again? A beautiful transition- a year into Motherhood! Yes, I am a mother now to a wonderful 1 year old boy.

When I was on my 2nd trimester, I thought I had it all figured out- that I would return to work after 2 months as soon as my Maternity Leave expires, or that I would only breastfeed until 12 months, or that I can juggle so many things at once because I could get a trusted care taker to help me and my partner function normally... stuff like that. Of course we all know it did not go as perfect as I thought it to be. What happened instead was, I had to resign from a work I think I am good at and from a work environment that I loved. My partner had to find the perfect company as well to accommodate a better schedule for parenting because lo and behold, our dream care taker was non existent. I had to reach the decision to be a full time breastfeeding mother because who else can better take care of my son other than myself (well my partner, too... but he doesn't have boobs).

I knew of course that it was all going to be a part of it but I didn't comprehend fully how much consuming it would be. I embraced it wholly, I had to. And it was beautiful and raw and life changing -all emotions included. I wouldn't have it any other way, though. We did right. We held our boy as he cried and tried to understand his transition from the womb to the world. We relished his smiles and laughed with him as he figured out the things around him and slowly try to move freely. We cheered happily and nervously encourage him as he reached his milestones. It was a dream! A messy, emotionally fueled, crazy dream. But a dream that is nothing short of wonderful, nonetheless.

I am in no way an expert or do I claim to be. All babies are different. And that same thing goes for parenting techniques. As you go along the ride, you will find the perfect groove. However, for me and my little one, the tips and realizations I wish I knew beforehand are....

1) Those big chunky net type cribs are useless after the first week!
2) The only strollers that matter are the lightweight ones, with 5-point safety harness, that compactly reclines to accommodate sleeping and slouching.
3) Babies, esp NB, are gassy! Always take the time to burp, or (if sleeping) lay them on your chest, or apply Manzanilla on their tummies.
4) There is a window of a few days where they will sleep peacefully and in long stretches but do not take this time to be complacent because it doesn't last long. At some point you will know what relaxes your baby best but when all else fails, him/her on your chest won't. Your heartbeat played a huge role for them in the tummy, it will do the same outside of it.
5) Organic Multi-purpose Cleaners, Wipes, and Bug Repellent are your trusted weapons!
6) BREASTFEEDING is the greatest gift you can give them. I understand there are many circumstance where and when a mother could not or chooses not to breastfeed, but atleast for their first 6 weeks of life, do so. This will be their greatest protection and source of nutrient. Then try until 6 months, then a year. Take is by 6.
7) In lieu with that, invest in a good cover (because feeding knows no time really lol)
8) A bouncer or a booster seat is probably a gear you should invest in esp for the first few months.
9) Don't be afraid to let them explore the strength and capabilities of their bodies- because they will move only according to what they feel they can do so don't fret or worry (they won't be pulling to a stand if their legs are not strong enough or rolling over if their core aren't ready for it; trust in your baby) but always be there behind them as they explore of course.
Note: Milestones differ from one baby to another. It is okay to be observant but do not pressure yourself or your baby. Of course, you will know when to really worry and have them checked but for the better part, remember that just because you saw on social media that baby 1 is already walking at x month doesn't exactly mean it will be the same for your baby. Babies master different milestones at different times.
10) Do not let strangers kiss your babe, especially if these are smokers, or are ill, or are down with a cough and cold- It is okay to say no as a mother / parent when you feel it will put your baby at risk.

Oh', and I'd like to add one more...

11) Hold your baby! Studies have shown that babies experience stress and anxiety as they transition and the only comfort they need is you. Also, this helps their cognitive development. Babies who cry in long stretches of time as they are left to tend for themselves and self-soothe tends to show an aggressive behavior when they grow and become adults. Besides, they are only little for so long. Hold and cuddle and kiss as much as you can!


Motherhood, or parenthood for that matter, will be the hardest but the most rewarding journey you will ever have in your life. It is raw. It is beautiful. But your child will be worth every single sacrifice!

Happy Journey!