Pardon the continued talk about the heat. I say it's inevitable. No matter how sun-loving we (supposed to be) are, it can become too consuming at times, is it not? Still, we can make so much out of this summer season if we know how and where to look around to make it more fun, especially for those who are bound to stay in the Metro for the most part of it. Ergo, I present to you one golden find in the city to soothe our sweating bodies- The Luxe Parfait by The White Hat.

Granted, prize is a little steep as compared to other desserts but, based on our order, they are generous size-wise. It was a pretty tall cup. They don't hold back on the yogurt ice cream and the toppings, either!
FOOD: Luxe Parfait
Yogurt ice cream with premium ingredients

Desplittingly Banana (foreground) was my sister Tricia's order. We all agreed this is the underdog of the bunch being that it only has banana, some cookie crumbs and a piece of stick-o for its topping/filling. It can, however, be a good choice for people who just wants a straight up Yogurt Parfait without much shenanigans.
Seriously Fruity (background) was my mom's chosen flavor, which to her dismay, was much too sour tasting for her taste. My sisters and I thought it was, for a yogurt parfait, a right combination as it is consistent and sticks to one taste. It's the most refreshing flavor, I must say. When I had a spoonful of it, I was immediately transported to a hammock by the beach, with this parfait in hand!
My sister Pinky, as expected, had the Devilishly Chocolate flavor. This medley of chocolate sweetness and sour yogurt, with a handful of choco crsipers and choco kisses, makes a good synergy- flavor wise. Possibly the perfect dessert for sweet-tooth individuals like herself. Not for me, though. I steer clear of desserts that are too busy that I don't get to linger on the flavors anymore.
Curiously Vanilla was my parfait. The most dressed up of the bunch and looks the most mouth-watering! I didn't quite expect it to be this full. Vanilla flavored dessert are usually... Vanilla- simple, exact, just right. Cookie dough filled half of this huge cup with a number of biscuits on top, which I ended up handing over to mom and my sisters. I love though that it has a flan atop of the parfait! I kept scooping it up with the yogurt and it was creamy in all the right way.

Banana Walnut Yogurt Cheesecake
Since we were still swooning over their Yogurt Cheesecake, we made sure to have mom try it out especially since she is a coffee + cake lover. However, the yogurt cheesecake has garlicky taste to it- usually a sign that water sipped through the food. It was a stocking error, I guess.

Our favorite spot in The White Hat Shangri-la Mall. I'm making those stylishly comfortable couches a peg for a sweet spot at home. I also spotted a Perxclub award proudly displayed on their shelves. Attentive ates over the counter said they were awarded for being the best customer service branch for the month of September. Even though TWH in Shangri-la, unlike the other branches, is not a closed establishment and just sits openly in the middle of the mall, it's much cozier; probably since the interior design and the layout was much thought about as compared to the others.

Free Valentine greeting spot: Make a shout out to your love ones

The White Hat Menu and other food offerings.
The White Hat
L1,152, Shangri-La Plaza, EDSA Corner Shaw Blvd, Mandaluyong