2 months may have passed since Mother's day but we can always treat and show appreciation to our Moms even after the special day. A Sunday brunch of healthy delightful filling treat would surely make her heart jump. This was what my sisters and I did during Mother's day. We surprised her and cooked her favorite food among which were my sister Tricia…
»PH . Today is January 1st of 2014. Yes, the first page of your new book! What are you or will you be writing today, I wonder. Highlights of my first page would be cleaning, preparing a simple but special New Year dinner, movie marathon-ing with my beloveds, sleeping, eating, sleeping, eating... Yes, my first page would be about a lazy "me time" and "…
»Philippines just woke up from another wonderful Noche Buena (Christmas eve)! Happy Christmas morning from our family to yours! I've always loved Christmas but as I grew up, the love I have for it grew deeper in a sense that, it is now always associated with the bond over the preparations, the feasting and the silent togetherness of the people closest …
»I love the beauty of irony- a rainbow hovering above a disaster, thorns on the stem of a flower, a steaming bowl of Tinola during summer and ice cream cravings during cold rainy days. In a weird sense, the cold of the weather and the cold dessert makes us long for more warmth- snuggles, hugs, layering... all the works. :) For more innovation, what better tha…
»Since my Sent from above, from your little girl and Sundays to remember posts, my family made sure to innovate and create- beautiful meals, wonderful food, great memories. In a way, it becomes our simple way of coping and helping each other cope with dad being gone and all other worldly... let'…
»Sunday have always been a special day for me. I remember when I was a kid, I would look for that perfect princess outfit only to find none as my mom would dress me up in "terno" with my two sisters, and mine would always be the least girly. Despite that, I would get excited anticipating the day's itinerary- church, mall, dinner out. The day's activi…
»Like an owl my eyes are wide awake Fixed on the target to which the stomach be filled with Watching life from another point of view, another's story And then waiting.... 'til sleep thy come. ♥ Sol Felice 
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