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A few blogs back I wrote the entry Live your style with adidas neo!

Last Thursday, adidas neo together with Nuffnang PH hosted a special movie screening of So undercover, the best movie to showcase style and carefree spirit!  So we headed to Shangrila mall, ready to kick ass... or well, watch some kick ass-ing! ;)

 The hip and young Nuffnang team!

Who doesn't go crazy over photobooths?? 

The Lucky bloggers who won a pair of a stylish Adidad Neo footwear!
 See the Irony in this picture?? LOL!
Adorable ex couples Selena Gomez & Justin  Bieber as Adidas Neo Endorsers! 
They perfectly embody the very essence of the brand, don't they?

With my lovely sister (I think an hour and 30 of a Miley Cyrus  quote unquote detective cum teen romcom film was sort of a torture for her! 
*insert biggest grin*

adidas NEO Label Spring 2013 collection released this March allows us to live a carefree journey while giving us room to experiment with our own sense of style, with vibrant waves of colour & subtle patterns to play with. 
Being stylish simply means being and reflecting  the best of ourselves (and ourselves alone) and our personality through  the clothes that we wear. Camouflage prints, edgy adidas NEO slogans with a focus on windbreakers and shirts, Sporty, street and lifestyle footwear silhouettes with strong colour and graphic links are just some of the  pieces we can choose from to create our own look.

 *Black sheep leatherette motor jacket. Sol Felice Alvarado button down polo. Pink Mla lace skirt. LV vintage sling. Sophie ring. SFS doll flats.*

 P.S. The new east wing of Shangrila mall carries too many exciting brands and establishments! Can't wait for the grand opening!

♥ Sol Felice