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Fashion Literature: Blurry

I've recently been reconnecting with the 90s as it gives me too much beautiful memories and emotion. I always feel light and giddy when I think about the hopes and dreams I had back then. It was a few days back when I again played the song Bluer than blue and relive past moments attached to it. I would always recall the 'me' I was, feeling punk and rock star-y every time I hear/watch/sing-along with this tune. But not really knowing then the gloom and the dark, or at least pretending to, as optimism and sunshine still very much filled my entirety.

Happy I am though to feel in my bones and in my soul the heat of the sun and the sparkle of magic dust. Too many days have I hid under the darkness of my own shadow  caused by heart breaks and heart aches. But these days I listen to songs from my childhood and I feel the same emotion once more, not just of a nostalgic point of reference but of an actual comparison of a beautiful feeling I had then to this beautiful feeling I am having now. 
*Big grin here... and maybe a little tear.*

Rising is never easy. But there is never any other way but up once you hit rock bottom. Tons and tons have said it and millions could attest to it. I know I could. True. No amount of word, reassurance, positive thinking, could make you feel at ease or hopeful even once you are in that hallow end of your world. Like any nights however, it comes to a stop, and then the rising of the sun.

These dark times, find something to hold on to-
 a belief, a person, a love, a dream...
It will never be just rainbows though.
 The storm will still peek in time and again.
 But when you have faced the darkest, everything else will be but a ray of light.

Hang tight.

Close your eyes.

You'll soon wake up to another beautiful break of day. 


       â™¥ Sol Felice