One of the joys of raising a -now walking- 1 year old (has it really been a year?!) is that there are lots of activities you and your child can already enjoy. As a parent, you actually start to seek out such activities. If the first year meant unlimited nursing and carrying and cradling to sleep, the second year simply translates to ENERGY and exploration- lots and …
»For three decades, Moose Gear has been the top clothing line of choice- - consistently preferred by parents in dressing up their children … and definitely loved by kids for the comfort that it brings. The company, established since 1987, has been consistent in promoting stylish and yet at the same time, comfortable fashion pieces for kids ages 1- 12 years old. …
»As its final installment of the 24 th season, blueREP is proud to present an original production, Shared Spaces , a monologue and song-cycle series. Set in a world where grander issues obscure individual experiences, Shared Spaces celebrates and reiterates the experience of the individual. Six people blur the line between the enormity of contemporary …
»I f you are looking for a fun but inexpensive activity for you and your family before the summer officially kicks in? Gear up and get your kids' bicycles ready for Kids On Bikes 2016, the first bike carnival competition in the country. Kids On Bikes is a national fun race to promote good health and wellness for the kids, aiming to foster camaraderie, b…
»T hey say Filipinos are one of the most hopeless romantic people in the world- with the constant bittersweet comebacks to any love songs, movie lines, and even normal day to day conversations. Filipinos love Love and all that comes with this four letter word. And we are never afraid to say what we feel. Hashtag hugot. If you are looking for an avenue where you ca…
»I f you're looking for something new in musicals, the people of Washington Heights are inviting you to their carnaval del barrio this February! In the Heights is an award-winning show written by Lin-Manuel Miranda , winning four out of thirteen Tony Award nominations , including Best Musical . Mixing Latin beats with fast-paced and nuanced rap, In the Hei…
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