18 days have passed since the New Year and if you feel you haven't done anything yet, don't fret! You have 11 months and + days remaining to be "the better you" that you want to be. For the long days to go before this year wraps up, from the simplest everyday routine to the mightiest ones, I say be bold!

Breakfast jump starts our day as it is the very first activity we move our bodies to therefore being creative about it and having a delicious meal to fill our empty stomachs can already make the rest of the day better. If you are the have-my-breakfast-to-go type, why not mix it up by sitting at your favorite cafe and savoring a hefty quick breakfast instead?
Morning routine feeds our soul so take a minute to breathe in the good.

Black is a classic. It conveys to the world that you take things seriously and that you are down to business. It spells class. However, wearing the color day in day out especially towards the end of an already dragging week can dampen the spirit. Change it up and kick the bad vibes away by wearing red instead. It easily shows confidence and power and boosts up weary emotion. A lot of online shops have lines dedicated to the color but the most I've seen would be from Zalora Philippines. Which brings me to another bold move- doing online shopping.
Instead of the usual tiring mall shopping, do online shopping. I know most are hesitant, thinking of safety and guarantee. I myself had the same question. I even did countless of research until I read an article from a blog post retelling a no-hassle transaction with Zalora and since then just embraced the fear and did it.
Warning: it can get addicting. Drop the fear, look around and grab yourself nice red clothes. Remember- No one will dare mess with the girl in red.

Simply put, be bold enough from time to time to take yourself and things you do a notch higher than usual and you will experience a kind of high from it- a natural one. It would be refreshing for you and can make you feel good inside no matter how small or how far you amplified these things.
Believe, it will matter. Routine dries our soul and being, making us move on auto-pilot. Spontaneity, on the other hand, turns up the excitement- adrenalin for bigger ones- and moves to shock our insides.A great way to lift us from the rut.
The smallest change can be the biggest healer.
BE BOLD this 2014!