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It was called many names and will be called many other. But to us, she is Yolanda.

Another storm threatens the stability of our country, the Philippines. More so, it has been predicted to be the strongest one to challenge the world.

It was called many names and will be called many other. But to us, she is Yolanda. Her entrance was accompanied with strong gushing of wind making sturdy branches sway and bodies of water restless as the waves move violently back and forth. Her presence is made known and allowed for fear. However, it's but a beginning. In a few hours continuous rain shall fall and roars from the sky shall be heard. The damage it will cause will make people tremble and may even shake beliefs. Mother Nature is crying from all the hurt brought upon her but her tears are not vengeance, only karma. Nonetheless, blame is irrelevant and need be set aside for the mean time, because the gravity of what will and what might as Yolanda lands in this beautiful and blessed archipelago we are too scared to utter, even  think about.

But, like in any other calamity that struck our lands and damaged us, we hold hands as we try to surmount the predicted challenges and once again prove the resiliency and "bayanihan" of our small but fighting country. We hold hands in prayer too- in the waiting, the happening and the rebuilding not only because we have to but because we truly believe in our hearts that God will provide, lift and bless... we have to believe it.

Yolanda, like all others, will come and go. When she leaves, she may take with her things that are ours. But she will never take away our smiles that continue to amaze people from all over the world, our strength to stand up and our genuine care and heroic nature towards our "kababayans". Never. â˜º

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HE said, "Ask and you shall receive."