Cover (STORY) Girl is a refreshing novel. It is a light romance novel and is one of the very few stories to revolve around not only two different characters of people but of different nationalities as well- A Filipino guy and a Korean girl. It is set in the exotic and pristine beaches in Boracay which is great as we get a glimpse and feel of the local, scenery, places and such and towards the end visited a foreign cold land but equally beautiful- Korea. What is interesting about this novella is that the cross-culture romance added more kilig as it showed how disparity, though contradicted, brought a compatibility so unexpected and yet so real. It is good to see how two differing cultures could find that thing (/s) that bridges the gap and builds the connection. All the characters are written so real without being stereotypical, from our hero and heroin, to the Korean friends, the family, extended family and even the locals.
It is a novel about love that didn't resort to neither sappy nor cheesy story-telling- although the last part, as in all romance novels, may have been a little extravagant though still acceptable. The exchanges of words are extracted from real-life conversations rather than the over the top melodrama exchange that isn't even uttered by any person alive. Which is why, the talks are relatable, even the description of locked-in emotions (we have that in our heads when we are with that someone right? Haha). It gives a tickles and nudges our romantic bone. It builds up a smile slowly, touches on split-second sadness, pays back by with a huge grin- even laughter at times, then gears towards hopefulness, after which, contentment.
Intrigued? I'd refuse to further divulge deep into the story itself as I would rather that you experience this yourself! A truly great and light read by an equally great author.
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