Although Philippines is a tropical country therefore being accustomed to the heat is somewhat expected, it still somehow leaves us unprepared. Besides, who can think straight when under the scorching sun. Before the humid weather totally consume our being, be the good old girl/boy scout that you are; laging handa (always ready). So here is a run down of 5 Summer Essentials you'd need for the different facets of your life- from fashion, to fitness, health, beauty, all the way to your home living.

Getting in to fitness, these days, is fast becoming a trend. A good trend in fact. Wanting to be physically fit and well is not just a hype anymore but a fast-spreading mindset of the vast majority. Physical fitness activities, in the same light, have been spring up from ground up with offerings focusing on different fitness goals- core, weights, balance, flexibility, weight loss, endurance, cardio and so on. Non-professionals get in to these activities without having a training background. The determination is admirable of course. But, caution still should be practiced. There are many fitness gears (as in the items on the right) that will help prevent accidents and allow for body support when performing your chosen acivity.
For those, however, who still want a healthier lifestyle but doesn't really want to go hard-core, there are tons of other sports and fun activities to do to break sweat; in example, you can always grab a buddy for a few minutes of friendly badminton or frisbee battle.

Don't let the heat stop you from having the best summer this 2014!
For the items above, head on over to Lazada and be summer ready! 33 days before the season officially starts so better gear up before the heat is (unbearably) up. Ready, set... countdown begins.