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Take on Europe

Society of Junior Entrepreneurs is Miriam College's Entrepreneurship department's 
(under the College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy or CBEA) 
talented and award winning student organization body. 

              The Entrepreneurship department offers students an option to take the Major/Course with any of the 3 minors: (minor in) Fashion Technology, Product design/development, Culinary (Major & Minor) each partnered with prestige schools/academies/centers to further teach and enhance the students' knowledge on the chosen field- Fashion Institute of the Philippines for Fashion minors, Philippine Trade and Training Center for Product dev. minors and American Hospitality Academy for Culinary major/minors.

             Each year, 3rd and 4th year Entrepreneurship students with minors and major holds the year end simulation- the imitation of the operation of a real-world process, as defined- via staging of event focusing and showcasing all three worlds.  This year, the theme was Europe, but taking it to a more... shall I say... 'casual' atmosphere (if that even is possible), bringing it to the now and to the here. Fashion students was asked to do 2 designs- RTW and a finale piece. 

            I decided to use Brocade cloth and a golden tone as main connecting factors for the 'collection' to interpret my chosen Europe- Royal England. Despite the call for casual I still wanted and tried to induce glamour, sophistication and "royalty" to the designs as Europe very much shouts all three no? :)

Collage: Models fitting the designs with my talented make-up artist friend
Me with my stunning (Justines) models (R: Finale design|L: RTW design)

 The designers
Collage: Finale wear/runway 
The bow: Models with designers 
Collage: The event- FIP students|AHA students|PTTC students (shoe design)
Collage: Set-Up|Food|Culinary AHA-MC

The BEAUTIFUL support system 
College sweeties: MUA Rae, former Society of Jr Entrepreneurs President Shaine, and Culinary-slash-Finance maven Nevee
Mom and daughter tandem: My forever model and friend Justine Calvin, My fabulous mom, Me, Talented and Beautiful Mrs. Calvin

♥ Sol Felice