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When Past And Present Collide

I had the tips of my finger brush past things that formed bonds and friendships for the child that I was. It was serendipitous. It's as though I hold within the exact joy of a kid; the joy brought about by silliness and child play, the joy that would supply the rest of my lifetime with strength and smiles.


My tongue lingered on a familiar taste. It was the taste of a crisp orange afternoon as people gather at the neighborhood grill master. Snacks came at so low a price and yet the laughter and chattering of friends and strangers before the day's sun down is priceless for it becomes a reminder of how simple life was... of how simple life can be... of how simple life is. 
Pinoy street food

I walked to places that witnessed moments which formed my being. It was surreal. As if being there in that time of self-reformation. And yet in that very moment, we didn't realize it happening. But being there from where we are now, we see clearly the realization, the formation taking place at that exact point in our lives. And we understand, why we are standing where we are standing and why we are who we are.  
 Scout Area- Place I grew up in