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Comfort found in Mann Hann

When my sisters and I were growing up, we would have Sunday mass at St. Paul Parish in the Scout area- our then parish church. Afterwhich, we would eat dinner in one of the many restaurants along Tomas Morato strip. We ate in almost all the restaurants in the area. But out of all, we would frequent Mann Yann the most for its mouthwatering Braised beef in a clay hot pot and their liver (I forgot now what it's called) that's always perfectly cooked, enveloped in a seasoning that is out of this world.

Fast forward to today, En route sits prettily on the restaurant's spot and Mann Yann is rarely to be found. For years now, my family and I have been seeing Mann Hann around malls and have passed by the beautiful white big architecture along San Juan. We thought Mann Hann was a reconstructed Mann Yann but was always so skeptical to try. It turns out, they are two different restaurants, but have one and the same owner/s. I searched and found the menu of Mann Hann similar to the food offered by the former.

Since we have always loved dining in Chinese restaurants, last Sunday on an extended birthday lunch treat for mom and a "baby's day out" for my niece, we decided to eat at Mann Hann and to finally have a taste of their food hoping it would be the same as that of Mann Yann's. Their Robinsons Magnolia branch has a modern tokyo vibe to it, but with little rustic fixtures and lightings to make it cozy. I love the place.

Mann Hann

Mann Hann Robinsons Magnolia
Mann Hann Robinsons Magnolia Interior

The food, sad to say, crushed our hopes to once again taste the wonderful flavors of Mann Yann. Choi Garden, Gloria Maris, and Flavors of Asia aside, Mann Hann, I could honestly say, is at par if not slightly above (restaurant ambiance and interior considered) other chinese restaurants in the Philippines. 

Mann Hann Yang Chow Fried Rice
Yang Chow Fried Rice P250.00
The true test of a chinese restaurant in my opinion, lies in their Yang Chow Fried Rice. The fried rice is so famous that comparison and judgement is inevitable. Admittedly, I don't think I've had any bland experience eating the rice, even those offered by fast food restaurants. Mann Hann's was not great, but it was good. My family and I are big rice eaters, so the fact that we didn't have to order a second round of rice but still felt really full afterwards says a lot about their serving size.

Mann Hann Cha Bihon
Cha Bihon P245.00
Basically, a pancit. I tend to pass quick judgements on pancit since my kin is good in making one. My mom and my grandmother loved cooking pancit when I was growing up. I would have to say I've had better ones, both home-cooked and from other chinese/filipino restaurants. But, since this particular pancit had generous serving size and because it did not skimp on straw mushrooms (which I'm a huge fan of), I am rating this fairly well. And I love the few pieces breaded shrimp atop it.

Mann Hann Beef Brisket
Beef Brisket P265.00
I was expecting this to be in a pot as with other chinese restaurants. It is still a relatively okay order. Although the sauce is not that thick (probably because it wasn't cooked in a pot?), the taste is not bland and the beef is really tender.

Mann Hann Lumpiang Shanghai
Lumpiang Shanghai P195.00
Nothing beats a good old chinese Lumpiang Shanghai
These are long and filling. And considering the price, I highly recommend this viand.

I can't say much about the other branches of Mann Hann yet, but our overall food experience in Mann Hann's Robinsons Magnolia branch was good for me and my family. Their menu has a variety of food. The restaurant is fuss free but relaxing, the ambiance is cozy, and the food was comforting as it filled our hungry tummies.

Man Hann
3/F Robinsons Magnolia