It is hard to continue on with our self-involved lives, really, knowing miles apart people are suffering (hence the laying low from blog posting)... then again, what more for those who actually are. During this tragedy we are put in a microscope- assessed for our actions be it big or small, inane or heroic. So here is a list of list- of heroes, of thank yous, to do's and what not to's...
1.) Atom Araullo
For his brave coverage
2.) Anderson Cooper
3.) Pilot
4.) Volunteers
For the strength, courage, passion and willingness to step up and help
5.) Foreign countries
AMOUNT Php432,270,100.00 Php432,270,100.00 Php416,151,845.00 + 1,617,093,200.00 Php205,900,000.00 Php173,776,459.00 Php141,442,026.00 Php131,381,261.00 Php115,850,973.00 Php86,454,020.00 Php78,104,056.00 Php57,925,486.00 Php43,227,010.00 Php10,806,752.00 Php8,645,402.00 Php4,322,701.00 Php4,322,701.00 Php4,322,701.00
All other countries who volunteered their doctors, military service, etc
Private citizens from different parts of the world who donated.
For uniting with us to assist and provide aid during this time of need
6.) Lemonade kids, Japanese trust fund kid, and others
For having pure hearts and understanding beyond their years. Faith in humanity restored.
DO: Show decency and respect to the victims via the things you post on your social media accounts
Post your new expensive gadgets and extravagant meals and outings in a month's time. No you are not blamed for having the means to acquire these things but be decent enough to see the contrast of your life to theirs. You respect them by exercising discretion.
DONT: Add insult to injury
Yes there are faults on their end but it is not right to count it and point it out while they are contemplating the many loss that they incurred from Yolanda. They did not want this.
DO: Be humble enough and show gratitude to the countless help people in Tacloban received from within and without the country.
DO: Volunteer
There are many more platforms to provide our service and an hour of our time would go a long way
DONT: Be indifferent
A beautiful campaign from Amnesty read "Just because it's not happening here doesn't mean it's not happening now." True enough, just because it didn't happen to you does not mean it didn't happen at all. Suffering is present in the country despite you not feeling it first hand. Show sympathy if not empathy.