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Sisters defined

I have 2 sisters. That makes us 3 girls. The three Marias as we're known. My mom, being an only child, often asks us how is it to have a sibling and in our case, how is it having not just 1 but two sisters. Most times people we know also ask the same questions, as we 3 have a very special sister bond (as most sisters prolly do... each to their own). Well I find it hard to give a straight up answer as it is complex and word-limiting to explain. It is like having a bestfriend but the connection's deeper of course given that more than the water, well, there's blood. It is having someone to have a war with but also someone to go on a war with (did that make sense???). I couldn't find the right words to try and voice to you how it is to have 2 great girls as a sister! But one thing I could tell you is that the bond is as deep as when you try to trace the roots of a hundred year old tree, even beyond that. And the love is unfathomable!

Tagaytay! Who would not LOVE the breeze up here?

 This was a celebration for the 1st catering venture we had. It was for MEGMAZINE|PHILAMLIFE tie up. And what better way to celebrate a food gig? Over a hearty meal of course! Gastronomic celebration @ MESA hence was call forth!
           Here with our sister-like-cousin! The fourth sister! :)

Our FIRST roadtrip.The first of MANY that is!
CamSur? Come SOAR! It truly is "more fun in the Philippines".

Ofcourse, booze nights here and there! 
(Our folks know, don't worryyyyy!)

We are addicted to MCAFEEEE!!!!
Most midnights, after work, meetings, drinkings, etc., are spent here!

Timezone loyalists

My sisters are the greatest, craziest, weirdest, most intelligent people you could meet in this lifetime! You'd be in for a spin. They are amazing. That's why I love bonding with them whether to go play, shop, watch, walk or just talk. It's always an adventure.

Hey you two up there... incase you don't know...

Blessed we truly are for our sisters and brothers, blood-related or not!
One of God's greatest gift.

♥ Sol Felice