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Love Is Just Love

Love and life is strange as it is beautifully easy should one only know how to maneuver through the dirt road. In actuality, life should just be life, and love should just be love. Not “just” as in it should matter so little but “just” as in it is the way it is and should be. It is the question as it is the answer. But then we’re just human beings wanting so many things, analyzing everything, trying to find –and sadly finds inappropriately- answers to every situations, racing through time in hopes of seeing the future while still sailing through the present, strategizing strategies and scheming schemes either to win something or get revenge over something. Truthfully, we can never so much be of help to others if we ourselves won’t help ourselves. We can never give ourselves to another if we have nothing to give. We shouldn't find “the other half” to complete us. We should be complete in order to love fully, love selflessly and love easily. We need to love ourselves in the same amount that we love God and we love another. If we do that, everything would follow. Cliche you must say, but just ponder on it. It’s reality. It is the situation. It is the root- something that might help us live life… as it is.
 Sol Felice